If you struggle with getting out of bed in the morning, remember that the best days begin with a great night’s sleep. Your wind down routine is pivotal to your success the next day.
Dim your lights from about 8pm get off of social media and put your phone into Do Not Disturb.
Resist the urge to respond to any emails or messages during this time.
You can also use this time in the evening to practice gratitude to journal.
Sit and plan out your tasks for the following day. That way you get a head start on the day and that can help neutralize any anxiety that you may be feeling.
Organize your tasks in order of priority so that you know exactly what you can begin with when you start your day.
And once that’s done, if you like you can have a warm shower and then get into a nice cool room and a cool bed.
Temperature is very important for having a good night’s sleep. So Ensure that your room is set up for optimal sleep. Make sure that it’s cool that it’s calm and quiet and it’s dark.
And in the morning, I know it can be tempting for you to pick your phone up straightaway, refrain from doing this for as long as possible. Use those moments before you get out of bed to set the intention that you are going to have an amazing, happy and fulfilling day.
If you’re not too hungry, you can lay there a little bit longer and for about 10 to 20 minutes, spend that time visualizing how your day is going to go. How you are going to feel ultimately, tapping into how we want to feel can be even more important than just visualizing how we want our days to go. If we tap into the energy of feeling calm, of feeling energized, we’re more likely to succeed at attracting that.
And when you do get out of bed and head over to the kitchen Remember to start your day with the right kind of fuel.
A Breakfast that’s high in protein and fat and fiber as opposed to starchy carbohydrates will set you up for the day and give you more energy. And remember to incorporate that rule throughout the day, every three hours, make sure that you’re getting in protein, fat and fiber with each meal and snack.
Some people tend to think that by having a banana they’re being healthy, but all they’re giving themselves is a big blood sugar spike. So if you’re going to have a banana, or an apple or some other piece of fruit, remember to combine it with a piece of protein or a little bit of fat to slow down the conversion of glucose to glycogen. This will help keep your energy levels stable, as well as your blood sugar.
I hope you found that helpful. And if you’ve put it all into motion but are still struggling, feel free to book a Clarity Coffee.
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