Fiona’s Full Story

Fiona from London

I’m Fiona, I live in London, and I work in a high-pressured job.

When I first met Raewyn, it is safe to say that I had reached ‘rock bottom’. I was experiencing extremely distressing thoughts, unable to sleep, and was suffering from weekly, sometimes daily, panic attacks that I felt paralyzed my day-to-day life. However, in a short space of time, Raewyn was able to teach me techniques and small lifestyle changes, alongside wonderful meditation, that allowed me to take back control of my thoughts and each day in a way I didn’t think was possible.

There were no drastic changes but Raewyn taught me how to manage my panic attacks in small stages – which now, a year later, means I haven’t had one in over 6 months. I felt – and continue to feel – like a different person, who found their ‘joy’ and love for life again in just 6 weeks of working with Raewyn and continue to use everything she taught me every day. I cannot thank her enough and am eternally grateful.

We only publish client testimonials with their permission in order to respect their privacy – if you would like to share your experience, please feel free to get in touch.