A DETOX FAVORITE! One product I love using is a castor oil pack! No, not drinking or swallowing castor oil pills. I’m talking about pouring a tablespoon of Hexane free castor oil onto a cloth and applying this against your skin. It’s helped my liver break down estrogen properly so that it doesn’t recirculate and cause issues with fibroids, period pain, or irregular cycles. Proper estrogen metabolism is crucial for hormonal balance and that means less moodiness, less pain, less headaches, less breakouts, and MORE energy!
For centuries, castor oil packs have been used for:
– Body, mind and soul wellness and health optimization
– Hormonal imbalances (PCOS, menopause, estrogen dominance, etc.)
– Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, IBS, colitis, Crohn’s disease
– Insomnia and other sleep problems
– Stress reduction, anxiety, depression, ADHD
– Period regulation, endometriosis, TTC, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts
– Cancer, tumors
– Thyroid issues (hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, nodules, etc.)
– Liver cleansing and detox, fatty liver
– Inflammation, arthritis, joint pain
And more!
It all has to do with the liver!
Believe it or not, your liver can get congested – not only because of alcohol – but with things like pharmaceuticals, mycotoxins, petrochemicals, plastics and more!
When you work on supporting your liver by applying a castor oil pack over it at night, you’ll have proper metabolism of your sex hormones and improved digestion and elimination! That my friends has a knock-on effect leading to better energy, better moods, better everything!
A castor oil pack is one of the OLDEST, most widespread healing rituals in the world and the best kept secret known only to a privileged few. From Traditional Chinese Medicine to Indian Ayurveda to modern Naturopathic Medicine, it has withstood the test of time for centuries in cultures all over the globe.
Amazing, right?
The ritual of applying castor oil to a piece of organic cotton flannel then placing it onto the body (traditionally over the liver) and wearing it for 1 hour or more is shown to improve physical and spiritual wellbeing. However, early incarnations of the pack involved the heating of the oil and could be a little messy!
But the new way of using a castor oil pack has been revolutionized by the Queen of the Thrones.
It is literally a 2 step process that now makes implementing this thousand year old self-care ritual a no-brainer for women who have been seeking more energy, and less hormonal and digestive symptoms. This is because simply applying castor oil like lotion to the skin only offers 50% of the benefits, whereas using it in this way with the pack on the skin leads to 100%. The soft compression of the pack on the skin is what promotes the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine.
Many experience benefits immediately, as in amazingly deep, restful sleeps, regular poops, better digestion, less bloating, less heartburn, and more feelings of relaxation.
Use my code GUTSYEXECUTIVECOACH10 for 10% off either the Liver Pack, Hormone Pack or Thyroid Pack!